bringing ideas to light
blue mountains cultural magazine, classes, workshops, gallery & gift shop

Next workshops Make a case bound sketchbook /Creative Bookmaking /Japanese Bookbinding
STUDIO CLASSES TUESDAYS 10AM-1PM (From February 13, 2024)
Blume Illustrated is an artist created, high quality, colour, broadsheet magazine bringing ideas to light though the intersection of illustration & text.
The magazine is produced in the Blue Mountains of NSW Australia with funds raised from sponsorship, events & exhibitions.
Blume Illustrated is distributed annually in free print & digital editions to a diverse & growing audience across Australia & around the world.
Blume Illustrated Magazine

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Blume Illustrated
Bringing Ideas to Light
Contact Blume
Thank you for your interest and thank you to Amelia Herbertson for the use of her exquisite illustration in a detail from the cover of Blume Illustrated #3 designed by Faye Wilson.